AgileFlow.AI®: Your Smart PA, Just an Email Away

Transform your operations with AgileFlow.AI®, the premier AI assistant tailored for local governments, non-profits, education providers, ESG-reporting entities, and more. AgileFlow.AI® revolutionises governance, planning, and reporting by automating 50 functions, including compliance, risk management, and DA pre-assessments. It also streamlines document creation, such as council reports, policy drafts, and project plans.

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Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R): Transforming with AI

At CommunitiesThrive®, we are dedicated to revolutionising community planning, engagement, and strategic development through cutting-edge methodologies and technological innovations. Our commitment is to empower councils, institutions, and communities to navigate the complexities of Integrated Planning & Reporting (IP&R) with precision, inclusivity, and comprehensive representation.

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Representative Surveys, AI-Powered Insights

CommunitiesThrive® stands at the vanguard of redefining local council planning and operations, leveraging advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Our proficiency encompasses Integrated Planning & Reporting (IP&R), strategic community engagement, and the latest operational technologies.

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Learn More About Our Journey and Connect with Us

CommunitiesThrive® is dedicated to empowering communities to thrive, one data point at a time. Operating from our carbon-neutral base in Sydney’s vibrant CBD, sustainability is central to our ethos. Our primary influence resonates across Australia, but our services also extend to Canada, New Zealand, and the UK. This global reach is further amplified by our partnership with Market Facts Pty Ltd—a beacon in market research since 1975.

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